A loan helped to pay children’s tuition and uniforms for the next term, thereby eliminating pressure to sell corn for low prices at harvest and increasing farm margins.

Yusif's story

Yusif is a Babban Gona maize farmer living in rural northern Nigeria. Thanks to crop insurance and access to high quality inputs and services, Yusif and his two children do not have to worry about failed crops or poor harvests. He expects to reap up to 40 bags of maize per hectare, which is double the national Nigerian average of 18 bags of maize per hectare.

However, most farmers are forced to sell their produce at extremely low prices during harvest, which coincides with tuition for the second half of the school year. This is because farmers urgently need cash after a long planting and harvesting season.

To prevent this, Babban Gona will provide Yusif with a Harvest Advance Loan, a cash payment equal to the value of his maize at harvest, to help him pay for school fees.

With his family’s increased income, Yusif will be able to afford school fees and uniforms for his two children, thereby eliminating pressure to sell corn for low prices at harvest and increasing farm margins in the long run.

This loan is special because:

It gives farmers flexibility to sell their crops for the best price.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details