A loan helped to purchase coffee seedlings, biofertilizers, calcium, zinc, etc., and to pay her collaborators.

Yamileth Del Rosario's story

On a small scale, Yamileth has a farm that has a distribution of different items in order to have a varied proposal when selling. Although there is an area destined for basic grains, these are for self-consumption.

Her farm is 2.11 hectares, which she manages with her husband’s help, in the north-central region of Nicaragua, in the city of Jinotega, where she lives with her husband and their three children. Her farm has Fair Trade certification.

For this cycle, in conjunction with the technical team from PAC, she has designed a plan to establish 1.05 hectares of coffee. The funds requested will be invested in the purchase of: coffee seedlings, biofertilizers, calcium, zinc, etc., and to pay her collaborators.

With her family’s support, she has been able to maximize resources and production on her farm, stabilizing her family situation and supporting the community.

Yamileth’s dream is to have a model plantation on which she can share her experience with other producers and improve her family’s well-being.

In the photograph, we see Yamileth and her husband.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sarah Tyler.

This loan is special because:

It helps farmers swap unproductive coffee plants with new ones.

Loan details

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Loan details