A loan helped a member to pay for additional organic fertilizer and organic pesticide.

Savoeun Group's story

Savoeun, aged 36, appears on the right in the photo. She is a married mother of three children who resides in the Svay Reang province of Cambodia.

Savoeun’s husband is a construction worker to generate income for living. Savoeun want to help her husband fund her family living especially her children’s studies, which is why she is involved in rice farming to add another source of income. Savoeun and her husband are able to earn around US$4 per day.

As a group representative, Savoeun is going to use her loan portion to pay for additional organic fertilizer and organic pesticide to support her rice farming. She hopes these purchases will help her to boost her crop yields as well as increase her family’s profits.

In this group: Savoeun, Mab

This loan is special because:

It provides low-income rural communities with access to finance and training services.

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Lenders and lending teams

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