Nohemy lives in the hamlet of San Antonio de la Balsa, a community of coffee plantations a half-hour from San Ignacio, Perú.
Nohemy, 31 years old, lives in her parents' house with her two minor children. She maintains her own parcel of 2.00 hectares of excellent-quality coffee. Since she was a child, her parents taught her agricultural work.
She has dreams of expanding her coffee production, earning more income for her family unit in order to give an education to her minor children.
A loan to Nohemy will give her the opportunity to improve her business, increase her production through the addition of compost, and improve the quality of coffee in order to earn better prices.
This is her second loan through Norandino and she feels grateful to Kiva lenders.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Kathy McCardwell. View original language description.