A loan helped to buy basic staple products such as "quintales" [a quintal is approximately 100 pounds] of rice, beans, flour, and corn, as well as soft drinks, bottles of water and cleaning products.

Nohemy's story

Nohemy is 37 years old. She is a single mother with four children. She lives with her family in the municipality of Macueliza, Santa Barbara. She has worked in her grocery store business, which she has in her home, for 6 years. She offers her customers basic staple products such as rice, beans, corn, wheat flour, cereals, coffee cream, snacks, bottles of water, soft drinks and a variety of vegetables.

Nohemy has had 7 cycles of loans with the institution which have helped her to maintain her business. She wishes to increase her inventory, and so has decided to request a new loan for 25,000 Lempiras [HNL].

This loan will be invested in soft drinks, meat, "quintales" [one quintal is approximately 100 pounds] of basic staple products such as rice, beans, corn, vegetables and cleaning products (toilet paper, bath soap, and dish soap). Her goal is to have a larger clientele and to have good economic stability for her family.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Rita Levitz.

This loan is special because:

It supports single mothers raising families on very little income.

Loan details

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