A loan helped to purchase fertilizers, diversify the farm, renovate the machinery and hire a worker so that they have a good harvest.

Varsenik's story

Meet Varsenik, a hard-working agronomist from Goravan village. She lives with her husband, five-year-old son and mother-in-law in an area considered to have one of the most prosperous lands in Armenia. The main activity in the area is agriculture. Varsenik has a farm where she mainly cultivates pepper. Her husband provides taxi services to local people and helps Varsenik trade the agricultural products in nearby villages. This is the main income source for them and the competition in the area is constantly growing. They try to cope with it and allocate as much time as possible to developing their farm.

Varsenik has applied for financial assistance. They plan to purchase fertilizers to increase productivity and wheat seeds to diversify their crops. They will also hire a worker to assist with farmwork and renovate the machinery for cultivation purposes. All this is to ensure better quality products and increase income from sales. Varsenik and her husband truly believe that with financial help, they will change their living situation and get a proper education for their lovely son.

This loan is special because:

It provides women farmers with loans in local currency, reducing the risk they take on.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details