A loan helped a member to clear the garden for planting.

Mpaha Catholic Church Group's story

Lucy is a member of Mpaha Catholic Church Group in Kyenjojo Uganda. Lucy is married with three schooling children and one dependant. Lucy is involved in the education sector business as a primary teacher by profession, with a side income from crop growing like maize, nuts, beans, and cassava.

In spite of the delays in salary payments, as well as seasonal and price change challenges in her business, she has been in this business for five years, for she hopes to educate her children and construct a residential house.

Lucy is requesting a loan to clear her garden to plant maize and beans.

In this group: Jane, Annamary, Ephrazia, Robert, Jane, Stellah, Stellah , Florence, Selegio, Lucy, Stellah, Astone, Richard, Margret, William, Sam

This loan is special because:

It targets extremely rural populations.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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