A loan helped to fund her project of purchasing home products.

Wahiba's story

Wahiba is a 49 year old Syrian woman living with her family of four. Her husband works as a painter and tile installer, while her son works in a gas station. Their income is very low due to the economic situations and circumstances that lead them to leave their country. Wahiba’s mother and most of her relatives are still living in Syria and she hasn’t seen them for years. Her house was crumbled to the floor from the bombing and she lost her father in the bombings.
Wahiba is seeking 500 JOD to fund her project of purchasing home products and selling them to people in her community. This project has helped improve her income and cope with the new country. Her dream is to provide the best education for her children and one day move back to Syria to see her mother and relatives.

This loan is special because:

It gives opportunity to Syrian refugees who have fled the war in Syria.

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