A loan helped to buy more caña flecha to increase her beautiful handcraft production and buy hats to sell.

Yandris Piedad's story

Yandris is just 22 years old and lives in the municipality of San Andres de Sotavento. She’s a single mother who has a beautiful daughter who she loves more than anything, and her family is what she cares about the most. She works making beautiful handcrafts, an activity she started to help her family and because the economic situation wasn’t the best. She already had a loan funded through Kiva for which she’s very grateful since it helped her a lot and now she has a more formalized business. Now she’s more motivated than ever and that’s why she wants to ask for a new loan to buy more caña flecha to increase her beautiful handcraft production and to buy hats to sell.

Support this loving mother and loan now.

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This loan is special because:

It provides young entrepreneurs in Colombia resources to grow their business.

Loan details

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