A loan helped to purchase a pickle inventory to conserve watermelon.

Mihail's story

Mihail is a 27-year-old farmer in Temeleuti, Calarasi. He chose to make his own home in Moldova, without going abroad. For seven years, Mihail is involved in agriculture and grows vegetables. He cultivates cucumbers, cabbage, watermelon, melon and potatoes. Mihail does not have much of his own agricultural land, he rents them. He processes manual lands, being helped by villagers. He lives with his parents. They help their son a lot and they supported him, when he decided to start his business.

Mihail is very hard-working and he loves his activity, and it is the only source of income for him. He is requesting a loan from Kiva to purchase a pickle inventory. He conserves the watermelon for the cold season and then sells it. Mihail hopes that this loan will help him to conserve the watermelon so they don't spoil because the cold comes and the weather presses him. He hopes from the heart that he will succeed in doing what he has planned and will be able to continue his business.

This loan is special because:

It enables those living in rural areas to grow their businesses at a lower interest rate.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details