A loan helped to buy a water tank, chemicals, vegetable seeds, soil, a rake.

Asolima's story

Asolima is a 41-year-old married woman with four children.

She runs a business of selling vegetables (cabbage, cucumber) in her community to earn a living. She has three years of experience with this business.

Asolima is a Samoan citizen. She works very hard to satisfy her customers with her fresh vegetables. Every day except for Saturday and Sunday she delivers her vegetables to villages using the wheelbarrow. She believes that using the wheelbarrow to deliver her produce is making her strong, happy and healthy.

Asolima needs a loan to purchase more equipment (a water tank, chemicals, vegetable seeds, soil, a rake,) to help take her business to the next level. Her dream is to one day earn more so that she can buy her own vehicle to help her run the business and send her children to school. She became a member of SPBD in 2016.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details