The group named “La Esperanza” is in its 13th loan cycle with the Women’s Committee Program. All of the members joined together for the purpose of improving their quality of life and providing something better for their families.
One of the members is Margarita, who manages a beauty salon. She says that her business generates income to help sustain her household. Margarita is a hardworking person who always looks for ways to improve so that she can provide the best for her family.
She is requesting a loan to invest in the purchase of supplies for her beauty salon such as dyes, crèmes, shampoo, rinses, and other supplies so that she can continue her work and help her family.
In this group: Lisandry, Margarita, Gladys, Myrian, Gladys, Camila, Julia, Lucia, Bernarda, Melissa, Maria, Gloria, Jacqueline, Norma, Sylvia, Eugenia, Patricia, Evelin, Dara, Maria, Delia, Belen
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica. View original language description.