A loan helped a member to buy seeds and fertilizers.

Bella Maranura Group's story

The member belongs to BELLA MARANURA communal bank. The bank is located in the neighborhood of Maranura, county of La Convención, city of Cuzco.

Member Margarita works in agriculture. She has land where she cultivates cacao and coffee. She's a hardworking person who, through this business, wants to move forward. Her dream is to increase her cultivation area. She's asking for a loan to buy seeds and fertilizers.

All around, the members are thankful for the loan given and they promise to comply with the repayment agreement.

In this group: Margarita, Dionisio, Alicia, Susana, Maria, Henry, Matilde, Zaida, Aurelia, Saul

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

It reaches borrowers in underserved and disadvantaged areas in Peru.

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