A loan helped to buy a biodigester to power her farm and home with her cows' and sheep's manure.

Celia's story

Celia plans to use a Sistema Biobolsa biodigester to eliminate wood, fossil fuels and chemical fertilizers from her farm.

She lives in Acatlan. She supports her family with income from her four cows and thirteen sheep and from her annual corn and forage yield. Celia wastes time chopping wood to burn for cooking and heating bathwater, and also worries about the air quality for her family. With the biodigester, she will transform her cows' and sheep's manure into renewable energy (biogas) and organic fertilizer. As she starts putting the animal waste into the biodigester, bacteria will convert it into both biogas for cooking and nutrient-rich fertilizer that Celia will apply on her corn and forage field. All of this will enable her to increase her yield, eliminate the need to chop wood, and use the money she used to spend on fossil fuels and chemical fertilizer to invest in buying additional cows and sheep.

With this Kiva loan, Celia will realize her dream of making her farm economically and environmentally sustainable in order to continue the generations-old tradition of farming in Acatlan. This loan represents 60% of the full price of the biodigester; the remaining part was covered by a cash down
payment and a government subsidy.

This loan is special because:

It saves farmers money by transforming waste into biogas and organic fertilizer.

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