A loan helped a member to buy shoes, perfumes and clothing to sell.

Fatou's Group's story

This group was created in October 2006; it is made up of mutually supportive members living in the same area and all in the business of independent retail trading.
Standing on the right in the photo with her hand raised is Fatou, 56 years old. She is married and the mother of five children, including one 27 year old daughter.
With the loan, she will buy shoes for 5,000 Fr a pair, perfumes at 10,000 Fr per dozen, and suits for 6,000 Fr each in Dakar - to resell in her town.

She resells the shoes for 8,000 Fr per pair, the perfumes at 3,000 Fr each and the suits at 10,000 Fr.
With the profits she pays the interest on her loan, increases her savings and improves her family's living conditions concerning health, clothing, the children's education, and housing (she has built her own home).

In this group: Fatou, Nialing, Penda, Fatou Banel, Aisse

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Alistair Assheton.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural and suburban Senegal.

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