A loan helped a member to buy makeup, perfume, and moisturizers, and to make kits to expand her sales.

Pontual Ii Group's story

The Pontual II group has had positive improvements in their businesses. Through the help of Kiva, they managed to increase demand for their products and are improving the quality of life for their family members. The group is made up of seven people who live and work in the Diadema community in São Paulo.

The leader is Maria, who works for herself to gain financial independence. She started working as a day laborer, doing housework to support her two children. Because she was earning very little, she needed to do something to earn extra income. That was when she started to sell cosmetics door to door in the community. Today she can afford to pay her own expenses.

The loan will be important to buy makeup, perfumes, and moisturizers. She is creative and is going to make kits to increase her sales. Her dream is to have her own cosmetics shop to serve more neighborhoods and customers, and also to have her own house, as she currently lives in just one room.

Rodrigo has domestic utensils. Maria Eliane and Noeme sell cosmetics. Thais has a candy shop; she is going to buy sweets and snacks. Priscila is a hair stylist. She is going to buy hair care products. Wilma sells mini cakes in a cup in the area.

In this group: Maria Eliane, Maria , Noeme , Rodrigo , Thais , Priscila , Ailma

Translated from Portuguese by Kiva volunteer Patricia Patton.

This loan is special because:

This is one of few affordable credit options for low-income borrowers in São Paulo, Brazil.

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