A loan helped a member to buy thread in various colors for her textile business, as well as inventory (commonly used items) for her convenience store.

Panimatzalam Group's story

Griselda, a 26-year-old married mother of three children (ages 2-8), is a member of the Friendship Bridge Trust Bank Panimatzalam Group in the department/state of Solola. Along with seven other Maya Kaqchikel ladies, she participates in monthly educational trainings that are vital to her success as a woman, mother, and businesswoman.

Because Griselda and her friends have little or no formal education, they are eager to learn about effective business practices, healthy families, and how they can empower themselves. This effective combination of education, loans, and healthcare services is what Friendship Bridge calls “Microcredit Plus.” Griselda shares, “Thanks to our monthly trainings, our knowledge about so many relevant topics is reinforced and we feel better about ourselves.”

These women have all kinds of businesses including farms (flowers, beans, snow peas), traditional textile businesses, and convenience stores. They are requesting their first Kiva loan. Griselda needs a loan to buy thread in various colors for her textile business, as well as inventory (commonly used items) for her convenience store. She is hoping to increase earnings so that she can improve the life for her family.

Because of the kindness and generosity of Kiva investors, combined with the Microcredit Plus program of Friendship Bridge, Griselda and her friends are making progress in their lives. Thank you, Kiva investors, for helping them help themselves!

In this group: Aracely Felipa Francisca , Zoila Morales , Anastacia , Marta Lidia , Maria , Cristina Ciriaca, Jelda Gricelda , Griselda Candelaria

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details