A loan helped to buy piglets to raise and resell in the market to generate income.

Thuan's story

Thuan is a farmer in her hometown and the mother of 2 children. It was hard for her to manage her household expenses with the small income of her husband. Some years ago, she started a livestock business in her community. She started with pigs and then she added cows to her farm. Her husband fully supports and assists her with her work.

Now, she has requested a loan to purchase more piglets to raise and resell in the market. She has just invested in cages and other equipment for pig-raising that will double the number of pigs she has. She also wants to buy some fertilizer for her crops. Thus, she will have good products that will increase profits and help improve her family's quality of life.

She would like to extend her sincerest gratitude toward funders for this great support.

This loan is special because:

It empowers female entrepreneurs living in remote rural communities.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details