Exa is 38 years old. She is married and has 4 children. She lives with her family in the municipality of Lepaera, which is next to Gracias, Lempira.
She works in agriculture, growing high-quality coffee. She grows it on agricultural plots near her home, and has been doing this for 8 years.
The harvests that she obtains are sold unpeeled, wet processed, or dry in the local market. Previously, she grew basic grains. Her goal is to produce better quality coffee.
Exa is requesting a group loan to buy fertilizers and supplies in order to obtain better production and quality of coffee bean.
Exa is a member of G.S. Vista Del Puca, who are requesting a loan in the amount of 17,000.00 lempiras to buy fertilizers and supplies to help with the coffee farms.
The group is made up of 4 people who work in agriculture. In the photograph from left to right: Eugenio, Delfina, Exa, María.
In this group: Exa Maria , Eugenio , Delfina , Maria Ilda
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Kristin Fisher. View original language description.