A loan helped to purchase sewing accessories and continue sewing.

Ibodathon's story

Ibodathon is a skilled professional at the age of 33. She lives in Tursun-zoda and provides tailor services. She started her sewing business five years ago. Ibodathon sews dresses of different national cuts that she creates herself. She is in love with her job and is happy she learned this occupation herself at one time. Thanks to this occupation, she feeds her family. Ibodathon has little children, and her husband is working in Russia. Ibodathon is in need of a loan. She needs to buy necessary sewing accessories to continue sewing. She has applied for a loan with this goal. Ibodathon is waiting for support.

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of women and their families.

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