A loan helped to buy more raw materials for his furniture.

Lubingo's story

Lubingo is a kind-hearted man with a diligent work ethic. Since receiving his first Kiva loan, his business has boomed. Many customers in the refugee camp, in the surrounding community, and even across Rwanda have ordered from Lubingo. Earlier this summer, Lubingo even sold a chair to the U.S. Ambassador in Rwanda. The chairs he makes are unique, functional and beautiful, with high-quality wood and a careful carpentry process. Two of his sons also work in the business and his family has recently renovated their home with additional rooms due to his business growth. As a Congolese refugee, Lubingo is proud of his Congolese identity, but he is also proud of the new life he and his family are building in Rwanda.

With little competition in the camp and word traveling fast of his great products, Lubingo can't keep up with the orders. This loan will help him buy more supplies and pay for extra labor so that he can deliver to all his customers.

His recent business growth has already created improvements in the lives of his family, including his sons, and he plans to continue this growth trajectory.

This loan is special because:

It helps refugees launch businesses to rebuild their lives.

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