A loan helped to buy more merchandise such as jackets and pants.

Edith Elena's story

Our member Edith is 38 years old, married, and was born in the city of Cusco. She belongs to the Ricchary Cusco Community Bank, a part of the Arariwa Association. Edith is the coordinator of the social program ‘Vaso de Leche’ in Cusco. (The program provides milk products to low-income families.) She has a daughter called Maedy who is studying economics at university.

As well as looking after the home, Edith sells clothing. She travels to the border between Peru and Bolivia where she buys clothing such as pants, jackets, blouses, and many other things. She’s been doing this for several years, and the business has done well thanks to all her hard work. Edith is hardworking, enterprising, and is raising her family well.

She needs a loan to buy more merchandise such as jackets and pants for the upcoming Christmas season. She is grateful for the opportunity to obtain a loan and promises to make repayments according to the schedule.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Jane A.

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