A loan helped a member to stock up with 4 cans of palm oil, 3 cans of RINA vegetable oil, fingerlings, peanuts, etc.

Zawadi Group's story

Martine is a Hekima client. She is a woman who sells food supplies, a client of the IMF Hekima and president of the credit group "Zawadi". She is 58 years old, married, the mother of 10 children four of whom are students and 6 others are already married. She has been in this business for more than 17 years. To start this business she received the financial support of her husband. Later she incorporated the Hekima credit program. She is going to stock up with 4 cans of palm oil, 3 cans of RINA vegetable oil, fingerlings, peanuts, etc. to increase her activity and to supply her customers with good quality staples. She hopes to build a beautiful house, and to educate and feed her children. Finally, she thanks Hekima and its partners for the support given to nonbankable entrepreneurs.

In this group: Jonas, Zawadi, Kabeya, Martine, Mamy, Justin, Anastasie, Jean, Uzamukunda, Noelle, Honorine, Bipfa, Bernadette, Christine, Yvonne, Gisele, Sylvain, Augustin, Mahurudi, Luhengu, Tambwe, Muziki

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer melanie fluharty.

This loan is special because:

It serves entrepreneurs in conflict-affected areas with few opportunities.

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