A loan helped to renew 0.7 hectares of coffee, with which Corina will improve her quality of life.

Corina's story

Corina is a farmer with good principles and a great vision. When she was young, her parents taught her to work the land and love it. Her farm is 3.52 hectares. 1.41 hectares are planted with coffee plants. With the assistance of the PAC technical team, she implements the FLO certification criteria.

She lives in a remote community of Wiwilí, in Nicaragua, where she lives with her spouse and child.

For 8 years, she has worked planting and harvesting quality coffee. Each year is a new challenge to meet, and this one was no exception. For this cycle, Corina's challenge is renewing the unproductive coffee plants, which will allow her to improve her family's income. The received loan will allow her to purchase new coffee plants and pay labor costs.

In the previous cycle, she had low production, so she was obligated to sell a part of her farm to make outstanding payments.

This is her fourth financing she is applying for with PAC, the previous ones have been paid off on time and appropriately.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It helps farmers swap unproductive coffee plants with new ones.

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