A loan helped to buy cattle, feed, veterinary supplies and medicine.

Yon Dayro's story

Yon is a hardworking man who strives day by day to support his family and provide them with a decent life. He is 26 years old, is the father of a 3 year-old child and lives with his family in the fields in the La Estrellita neighborhood in the province of Julio Andrade, Ecuador. He works in agriculture with intermittent earnings that depend on the market price, the quality and the quantity of what is produced. He also raises cattle to get additional income to support his family.

Yon comes to Banco Vision Fund Ecuador to apply for a loan to buy more cattle, feed and veterinary supplies for their calves and steer. He counts on your help to finance his loan to invest in the growth of his business and the improvement of his family's quality of life.

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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Lenders and lending teams

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