A loan helped to pay the 2nd and 3rd years tuition fees.

Genadi's story

Genadi, is an18 years old young man, from the small village of Aketi. He is a second year student at Batumi State Marine Academy. Genadi is studying at the Marine Navigation faculty and is going to become a professional Marine Mechanical. Genadi requires financial assistance to finance his 2nd and 3rd academic years at the University and continue studying. Genadi is a very motivated person who is confident about his potential and will learn his profession thoroughly. After graduation of University, Guga believes that he will have a lot of opportunities to compete and will find a good job.

Genadi rely on a good will of Kiva lenders' and will highly appreciate support and kindness.

This loan is special because:

It allows low-income students to pursue education and find jobs before repaying.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details