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A loan helped to purchase more bags of charcoal to sell.

Keji's story

Keji F. sells charcoal and beans in the market. She is requesting a loan to purchase more bags of charcoal to sell. Keji is 28 years old and is married. Her husband is a tailor. She has 3 childrenwho go to school. With the extra profits from her loan, she hopes to be able to build a shop.

BRAC's holistic approach to poverty alleviation and empowerment of the poor encompasses a range of core programs in economic and social development, health, education , and human rights and legal services which are delivered through an extensive network of village organizations. BRAC has become one of the world's largest NGOs as a measured by the scale and diversity of its interventions. In 2007, BRAC started operations in Southern Sudan. The microfinance program, which is targeted towards returning war refugees, has already formed 418 village organizations with more than 14,000 women members.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Contributing lenders (12)
  • L
    Lin STOCKHOLM, Sweden
  • janny Florence, OR, United States
  • Honza Olomouc, Praha Pitkovice, Czech Republic
  • I
  • Axel München, Germany
  • Andrea Garden City, GA, United States
  • R
    Responsible Grace cambridge, MA, United States
  • L
    Lyle N. Caldwell, NJ, United States
Contributing teams (3)

Loan details

Florence, OR, United States
Olomouc, Praha Pitkovice, Czech Republic
München, Germany
Garden City, GA, United States
Responsible Grace
cambridge, MA, United States
N. Caldwell, NJ, United States
Czech Team
Local Area
1 of 216 members
Local Area
1 of 57 members
Dylan Hadd Memorial
1 of 9 members