A loan helped to buy chairs, tables, boards, games and other needed items for her kindergarten.

Rawan's story

Rawan is a wonderful young woman who tries hard to make her family live a decent life. She is a 29-years-old, the mother for one child, living with her family in Bethlehem, West Bank. Her husband works in the public sector where he earns a low income, this income is barely cover all the family needs.

Rawan wants to open a kindergarten for childcare, in order to help her husband with the family expenses. She turned to Palestine for Credit and Development FATEN to request a loan to buy chairs, tables, boards, games and other needed items for the kindergarten. She hopes you will help by funding her loan.

This loan is special because:

It creates opportunity for women 35 and younger.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details