A loan helped a member to purchase cement, sand, iron, pebbles and ceramic.

Bello Atardecer Group's story

The solidarity group Bello Atardecer is made up of 3 hard-working members. The coordinator is Carlota, 44 years old, who works making concrete items such as laundry basins, pilas [outdoor basins], tables and benches. She asks for the loan to invest in her business and to purchase cement, sand, iron, pebbles and ceramic. She has as a goal to maintain her business and improve her house. Her partners are Maryina, 34 years old, who offers her vegetable services, and Jhony, 25 years old, who works selling spices.

In this group: Carlota Del Rosario, Maryina Liseth, Jhony Antonio

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It includes access to emergency credit, should the borrower need it.

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