A loan helped to buy certified seeds and fertilizer to start horticultural farming and increase her profits to clear an outstanding school fees debt for her children.

Mary's story

The culture of hard work was instilled in Mary by her parents very early, when she was still a toddler, and she has never deviated from what she was taught.

Mary hails from a remote village in the Kerugoya area of Kenya. Thanks to her daily efforts, she has managed to give her children a good start in life by providing them with a good-quality education.

Mary is very hard-working and a high flier. Her primary sources of income are poultry, vegetables, crops, and animal farming. She also gets some income through a personal business (a sewing business where she has been pictured above).

Kerugoya has very favorable environmental conditions for farming, so Mary is seeking a loan to buy certified seeds and fertilizer to start horticulture farming. Because of the good infrastructure in her area, marketing her horticultural produce will not be a problem. Mary is sure that she will reap maximum profits and be able to increase her business.

Please help Mary, so that her horticulture farming can flourish! Through the profits realized, her children will learn smoothly because she will have cleared all outstanding school fees debt.

Mary, together with her family, is so grateful for your help and contribution.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals and farming equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details