A loan helped to pay her child’s school fees, ensuring him a good educational path and a bright future.

Fatimah's story

Fatimah is a 57-year-old Lebanese married woman who lives with her husband and one child, who is attending school, and one cousin. She collaborates with her husband to fulfill the family's needs and pay the household expenses. Her husband is an employee in a local company.

As for her, she worked for five years as a tailor in an enterprise, where she was earning a low income not enough to pay for the expensive daily needs, so she decided in 2003 to start her own tailoring business from her house. She has good experience in this field and all her customers love her work. She produces different clothing designs and makes repairs as well.

Lately, the couple is facing some problems, due to the bad financial situation in the country. Fatimah and her husband can’t afford the expensive educational fees to keep sending her kid to the school. Today, Fatimah is requesting a loan from Kiva's partner to pay her child’s school fees, ensuring him a good educational path and a bright future.

This loan is special because:

It helps students pay tuition and school expenses.

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