A loan helped to buy an apricot garden to enlarge her business activity and increase her income.

Mehrikhon's story

Get to know Mehrikhon, an honest and hard working woman from Isfara, Tajikistan. She was born in 1954, is widowed and is the careful mother of her child. She is the main earner in her family and it’s very difficult for her to provide her family with the best possible conditions.

Mehrikhon is a farmer who grows apricots and sells them in the local market. Her activity is seasonal and she gets a good income from this. She has been in this field for more than 12 years and has great experience. She does her work well and loves her business very much.

She is asking for a loan to buy an apricot garden to enlarge her business activity and increase her income.

Mehrikhon is a returning borrower and has positive credit history. She is asking for a loan for the ninth time through Kiva’s field partner. She awaits your support.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of women and their families.

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