A loan helped a member to purchase chemicals and plastic bottles for making cleaning products.

Mujeres Valientes Group's story

The "Mujeres Valientes" (Courageous Women) communal bank is in its first lending cycle with the women's committee. It is a new communal bank, in which all of the women are mothers looking to get their children ahead through their collective work and the trainings that Fundación Paraguaya offers them.

Señora Yeni is one of the communal bank members. She helps to support her family by selling cleaning products. She is a very self-sacrificing person who is looking for a way to help her loved ones and give them a quality life that is better than the one she had. She is very self-sacrificing and, in spite of each day's difficulties, she is looking for a way to get ahead.

Señora Yeni is requesting this loan so she can purchase chemicals and plastic bottles for making cleaning products.

She is grateful for the opportunity she is getting in the form of the loan; it will be a great help to her.

In this group: Sandra, Zunilda, Yeni, Nora, Chavela, Teresita, Irene, Rosana, Irma, Elodia, Ramona, Sandra, Maria, Leonarda, Noelia

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Marni Siegal.

This loan is special because:

It helps reach the underserved

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