A loan helped to expand her own business of embroidering gowns.

Radwa's story

Radwa is a 47 year-old Jordanian mother of 4 children, she is the main breadwinner for her family after getting divorced.

In order to provide her family with their needs and cover living expenses, she established a home-based embroidery business.

Radwa started depending on herself to prove that she is a strong woman, and to be a source of inspiration for all women in her community.

She discovered this talent in embroidery when she was young and worked on it; now it is the only source of income for her and her children. She markets her products through neighbors and relatives, and more clients have asked her to embroider their clothes.

Radwa asked for a 1,100 JOD loan from Kiva Field Partner Microfund for women to expand her project and buy more equipment.

She dreams of growing her business and opening her independent shop that contains all the equipment she needs. She wants to set an example for her kids to become self-independent like her.

This loan is special because:

It empowers the most vulnerable and marginalized women in Jordan.

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