A loan helped to send money for his family in Syria to cover their living expenses.

Mahmoud's story

Mahmoud is a 29-year-old married Syrian refugee and a father of three children, who was forced to leave his hometown in 2013 and moved to Lebanon after the war had ravaged his country.

To cover his family’s living needs and provide them with a better living, Mahmoud got employed as a daily worker in the construction field in 2013, with a limited income. Today, he decided to apply for a special Syrian refugee loan from Kiva’s field partner Al Majmoua, to send money for his family in Syria to cover their living expenses.

Mahmoud wishes to buy a house in Syria, so that he can return back to his beloved country.

This loan is special because:

It gives opportunity to Syrian refugees who have fled the war in Syria.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details