A loan helped to increase his float and ensure that he has a sufficient amount to assist his daily cash-in/cash-out customers.

Ndamyo's story

Ndamyo is a proud entrepreneur. He runs a Zoona mobile money business and he speaks of the impact that he has made to the community through his business. By bringing financial inclusion, many people in and around Mzimba now have access to financial services as Ndamyo has made it easier for them to send and receive money.

Ndamyo only started this business to compliment his salary but now it has become the life support of his household. He relies on the income he generates from the business to take care of his three children as well as support his extended family. Ndamyo runs his business with the assistance of his wife who is small-scale farmer.

Currently, Ndamyo's business faces liquidity challenges. The working capital he operates with is not enough to assist with cash-in/cash-out transactions. He often has to rush to the bank during trading hours each time he runs out of either cash or electronic float and this process inconveniences his customers.

Ndamyo reaches out to the Kiva community for assistance in the form of a loan. With the Kiva loan, he will increase his float and ensure that he has a sufficient amount to assist his daily customers. Ndamyo has had a Kiva loan before and he promises to utilize this one the same way.

This loan is special because:

It enables an entrepreneur to improve their mobile money business.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details