A loan helped to buy staples like rice, beans, sugar, bread, shortening, corn, soft drinks, meat, dairy products, and other products.

María Aracely's story

María, 29, lives with her husband and her son in the town of Choloma.

She worked for several years as a homemaker, until two years ago she managed to have her own business selling staple products. Now she earns her income from the business, which is located in her home.

That's why she requested a loan for the sum of 28,000 lempiras [HNL], which will help her stock her business buying staples like rice, beans, sugar, bread, shortening, corn, soft drinks, meat, dairy products, and other products.

Her goal is to continue growing in her business, have a variety of products to be able to satisfy her customers, and also be able to provide her son with a secular education.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Catharine Wall.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by financial education and provides borrowers access to a savings account.

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