A loan helped purchase seeds, fertilisers, and firewood for heating greenhouses to prepare for the second (autumnal) harvest.

Vladimir's story

Vladimir has already benefited from Kiva loans for both his business and his home repairs. He finds Kiva loans very useful and thanks Kiva lenders for the help given to his business and domestic affairs.

This time, Vladimir is requesting a loan to buy seeds, fertilisers, and firewood for heating greenhouses. All this will help Vladimir to prepare for the second (autumnal) harvest. This harvest can usually be sold for a higher price than the first (summer) harvest. In this way, the loan will help Vladimir to receive a good profit and provide for his family's needs.

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Yilin Tan.

This loan is special because:

It reaches rural populations with less access to opportunity.

Loan details

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