A loan helped to buy pandanus and colored wool for the weaving and decoration of mats.

Lisita's story

Lisita, age 64 and widowed, operates a weaving business to earn her living. She weaves mats and ta'ovala (traditional Tongan dress) and offers these for sale. She performs the weaving work on her own as well as with a group of women in her village, who sometimes meet and weave together to increase speed and productivity.

Her previous loan through SPBD was used to buy pandanus (the leaves of palm-like trees and shrubs) and colored wool for the weaving and decoration of her mats, as well as to allow her to hire someone to help her in her business. This provided her with much-needed help in selling her mats and ta'ovala locally at the market, where she earns a weekly and monthly income. She applies her entire income toward raising her younger children, as she has been the family's primary breadwinner since her husband passed away. She has five children and 18 grandchildren.

Her vision is to improve her business in order to help raise the standard of living for her family and to cover all her family's living expenses.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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