A loan helped to buy planter trays for coffee seedlings.

Juan Carlos's story

Juan Carlos, 36, is in a common-law relationship and currently lives only with his spouse. He wants the loan to buy planter trays for coffee seedlings. Since he was very young, he has worked in coffee production and this is his only source of income to support his family. With this investment, he looks forward to improving production and generating more income, which will bring a better economic stability.

This is the first loan he receives from FUDECOSUR and he is very grateful, since the payment terms and interest rate offered by the foundation are better than those offered by state banks, thus he will benefit by keeping more of his earnings for him and his family.

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It reaches rural borrowers that are considered too risky for traditional banks.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details