A loan helped to purchase a variety of seasonal materials to develop her business and increase her income.

Bunafsha's story

Bunafsha is a polite and kind natured woman who was born in 1971 in Yavan, Tajikistan. She is married and has two clever daughters. Her husband is a worker in abroad. They are friendly family.

She is a responsible business lady. She sells wonderful materials for women’s dresses and has a great success in this kind of business. She has been working about 20 years in this line and has a great experience. Because of her high quality of materials, she made a large quantity of clients. She loves her business and tries to develop it.

Bunafsha is asking for a loan with Kiva to purchase a variety of seasonal materials to develop her business and increase her income. She is a returning borrower and has a positive credit history. She is asking for a loan for a second time through Kiva’s partner IMON.

She awaits your help and mercy.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of women and their families.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details