A loan helped to buy farm inputs, such as fertilizers and good-quality seeds, to expand her horticulture farm and use the profits to support her family.

Rachael's story

Rachael is a very beautiful mom and has been described by her neighbors as “an ever-smiling woman.” She lives in the Machakos area of Kenya. Despite the importance of farmers and farming to Machakos’s economy, microfinance institutions do not lend to smallholder farmers. Juhudi Kilimo is expanding into this market and is happy to provide the Kiva community with the opportunity to support Kenyan farmers.

Being the sole breadwinner in her household, Rachael works hard to ensure that she achieves her goals and objectives. Her major sources of income include selling her farm produce, such as maize, bananas, milk, and vegetables. Although she has been earning some income from her farm, everything has not been easy for this enterprising woman. Her farm’s produce has reduced due to a lack of fertilizer and good seeds and the presence of pests and diseases. That is why Rachael is seeking a loan to buy farm inputs, such as fertilizers and good quality seeds, to expand her horticulture farm.

Through this loan, Rachael will be assured of a bumper harvest, which will mean more profits and income. Using this loan, she will be able to expand her enterprise. Rachael hopes you will consider her request for this loan. It will change her life and the welfare of her family.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals and farming equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details