A loan helped a member to buy a quantity of high quality thread and more “fajas”.

Artesanas De Chontala Group's story

The Friendship Bridge Trust Bank “Artesanas de Chontala” is composed of 8 Maya K’iche ladies who live in a rural area in the state/department of Quiche. Most of their adobe homes are usually composed of a room to sleep in and another for cooking. They are located off of dirt roads. These limitations, as well as their lack of education, has not stopped them from forging ahead. The information that the women have received in their monthly trainings about healthy households and hygiene has helped them keep their homes clean and orderly. This is their 3rd KIVA loan cycle.

Teresa, a 26 year old married mother with a 6th grade education, has 2 children (1,8). She has worked hard so that her older child can attend the 1st grade. He already has dreams of having a profession! Teresa has a successful traditional textile business and makes colorful “fajas” or belts. She delivers 40 per month and is pleased to employ 10 other women to help her fill orders. She is requesting a KIVA loan to buy a quantity of high quality thread and more “fajas”.

The information that Teresa and her friends receive at their monthly meetings is vital to their success. They learn about an aspect of 4 main topics: business, health, women, family. Teresa shares, “I am putting into practice what I have learned during our meetings, especially about keeping our home clean and orderly.”

In providing funding for these much appreciated loans, KIVA investors are held in high regard. Thank you to each of you!

In this group: Petronila, Manuela, Teresa, Juana, Maria, Maria, Tomasa , Manuela

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details