A loan helped to buy a new sewing machine.

Salam's story

Salam, who appears in the photo, is a 29-year-old who lives with her family in Bethlehem city. She is a mother of one son and one little doughtier. She tries hard to raise them in the best conditions and cover all their needs. Her husband works in the public sector where he earns a low income that is barely enough to cover the basic needs of the family.

Salam went to Palestine for Credit and Development (FATEN) to request a loan to buy a new sewing machine; in her neighborhood, especially, there is no stitching. Salam hopes that you will help her in starting a new beginning to raise her little kids in better conditions.

This loan is special because:

It creates opportunity for women 35 and younger.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details