The Friendship Bridge Trust Bank ‘Azucenas Sumpango”, located in the department/state of Chimaltenango, is composed of 8 ladies. Six of them speak Maya Kaqchikel and proudly wear their traditional colorful outfits while 2 speak only Spanish, the national language of Guatemala. The ladies have an average of 4 children each and have varying amounts of primary school education. They make and sell traditional clothing, canvas pants, food businesses, as well as selling gas. This is their very first Kiva loan cycle and they are excited!
Lidia, a member of the group with a 10th grade education, is 28 years old, married and the mother of 2 children (18 months, 8 years). She is a talented textile artist and embroiders beautiful intricate designs on colorful blouses called “huipiles”. Lidia needs a loan to increase production. She will buy a variety of high quality thread in lots of different colors.
Lidia and her friends meet monthly to make loan payments and look forward to their educational trainings that help them empower themselves, care for their families and improve their businesses.
The “Microcredit Plus” program is essential to their success. Not only do the women have access to loans and educational trainings but also healthcare services. Governmental programs are sparse and often non-existent in Guatemala.
Kiva lenders fill an essential role in providing funding for these much appreciated loans. Thank you to each of you!
In this group: Celia Herlinda , Alicia , Marlin Yolanda , Irma Florencia , Lidia Antonieta , Glenda Janeth , Ana Gabriela , Hilda Gricelda