A loan helped a member to buy different types of underwear in bulk to boost her income.

Suma Pankara Group's story

The “Suma Pankara” communal bank, which is part of the Agencia Villa Tejada, consists of 8 members who are all neighbours and friends. It is run by a board of directors of which Maris Nela is the chairperson.

Maria Nela is 38 years old and sells underwear. She learned how to run the business from a friend fifteen years ago. She will use the loan to buy different types of underwear which she will then sell at the market on the Avenida Tihuanacu.

She wants to continue expanding her business so she can have a better standard of living. She lives with her partner.

Her ambitions are to see her children study for a career.

In this group: Maria Nela, Magdalena, Lizeth, Juan, Jaqueline, Virginia, Betzabe, Lidia

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through group lending.

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