A loan helped a member to buy corn sheets and fertilizer.

He Muong 67 Group's story

The woman who has a happy smile and wears a pink coat is 32-year-old Phuong. She is an ethnic Thai woman who is married and has two children, ages 15 and 13. She lives with her husband and children in a poor and remote village that lacks necessary living facilities.

Her family relies on agricultural products such as growing rice, corn and cassava and raising poultry and pigs. The income is low and unstable so her family was recognized as a near poor household by a local authority.

To overcome this poverty, she tries to find many ways to acquire modern techniques such as learning from villagers, attending the training from the Anh Chi Em program and increasing her capital through Anh Chi Em’s loans. Since she joined the Anh Chi Em program, she has always repaid on time and gradually made a small profit from the previous five loan cycles.

This time, she has taken a loan to buy fertilizer and corn sheets. With the profits, she will pay her children’s tuition. She believes giving her children the necessary education is the key to success.

In this group: Lan, Phuong, Thiet, Tinh, Kim, Son, Panh

This loan is special because:

It provides financial and other support to families living in vulnerable communities.

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