A loan helped to provide solar irrigation water pumps to smallholder farmers in Tanzania.

Simusolar's story

In Sub-Saharan Africa, smallholder farmers have access to arable land that they cannot farm and suffer from increasingly unpredictable rains to water their fields; only 2% use any form of irrigation. Likewise, fishers spend 1/3 of their income on highly polluting kerosene lanterns.

Simusolar provides and finances accessible, affordable irrigation water pumps and solar fishing lights designed for off grid businesses in Sub-Saharan Africa. They provide smart credit to enable low income consumers to access energy products and pay for them in installments using mobile money. Simusolar has already saved their clients over $150,000, improved children education, reduced carcinogens inhaled in households, and increased household safety by replacing kerosene with solar lighting. Simusolar is lead by Marianne, she has more than 25 years experience in solar development and distribution. A video on their work is here

Loan Use
The loan will be used to purchase solar irrigation water pumps, allowing smallholder farmers in Tanzania to increase their yield. Simusolar previously had a USD50,000 loan with Kiva to provide solar fishing lights for 600 fishermen in the Lake Zone of Tanzania.

This loan is special because:

It provides affordable solar based equipment to SMEs and small holder farmers

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details