A loan helped to purchase supplies to fertilize, weed, and fumigate his pineapple field.

Jose Martin's story

José lives in the city of Santa Cruz de Yojoa with his wife and only daughter.

Many years ago, with a lot of effort, José managed to plant his pineapple field which has generated very good earnings despite this crop needing a lot of investment.

José is asking for the loan to purchase supplies to fertilize, weed, and fumigate his pineapple field and do new plantings and, so, expand with his crop and improve his income. He expects that the loan will help him a lot since he does not have the necessary capital to do his project.

In the future, José wants to be able to implement equipment that will improve his land such as machine irrigation systems which prepare the land better so to improve his crops so that they generate good profit.

Santa Cruz de Yojoa, Cortes, Honduras
April 2018

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It has a below-market interest rate and is repaid at harvest, when farmers can more easily repay.

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