A loan helped to start a stitching school business at her home.

Venus's story

Venus is a 55-year-old married woman and a mother of five children.

Currently, she decided to start a stitching school business at her home to meet her household expenditures. She is an expert in sewing, embroidery and stitching fine clothes, so she decided to teach her arts to the girls of her area. In this way she is enabling herself to get more income and spread the arts to others. She teaches and stitches for the people living around her house and uses the income to support her entire family.

Due to a lack of funds, however, she is unable teach each student because she does not have more stitching machines for their practice. She contacted BRAC Pakistan for a loan so that she can get additional sewing machines and an embroidery machine for her students to practice. She is expecting a boost in her earnings and dreams of expanding her business in the future.

This loan is special because:

It provides financial services in some of the poorest parts of Pakistan.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details